I could not be more pleased with the care I have received from Dr. Wang and his staff. They are a warm and comforting crew. I would have, knowing what I know now, travelled any distance necessary for this care. I have never been able to see the way I do now. By the grace of God, Dr. Wang has so improved my quality of life. I can see, and enjoy my daughter’s games and play with her as well as enjoy my own hobbies now. Thank you Dr. Wang and staff.

I am 36 years old and have worn glasses since I was 7. My entire life I’ve been extremely near sighted. While most people consider their vision bad if they have difficulty reading, my vision was so bad that I was unable to safely walk around the house without corrective lenses. It is now the day after my 3D LASIK procedure with Dr. Ming Wang and I am handwriting this letter without glasses, contacts, or any eye strain. My vision is currently near 20/20 and expected to continue improving over the next few weeks. Before my procedure I decided to set realistic expectations: I would be “satisfied” if I could see to walk, “happy” if I could see to drive, and “ecstatic” if I could see to read. I can tell you honestly that all of my expectations have been met and exceeded, and that I highly recommend Dr. Wang and his staff.

I am so grateful to Dr. Ming Wang. My eye surgery was a complete success! It was so fast and painfree. The staff and Dr. Ming Wang answered all of my questions and I knew exactly what to expect. He is truly a special man with a special calling. I would recommend anyone considering LASIK surgery to see Dr. Wang.

Hello, my name is Jon Kodi. I am a recent patient of Dr. Ming Wang’s. I am writing this note on the following day after my 3D LASIK eye surgery. It was an amazing experience to be at the skilled hands of such a fine and top eye surgery experts in the world. Dr. Wang was very caring and talked to me all the way through the entire process. He performs his work with 100% confidence in his skills which reflects on to the patient he is performing his surgery on which is relaxing to me. I would highly recommend Dr. Ming Wang above all others in this field for any of your vision needs. Thank you Dr. Wang!

Great experience! The staff are very helpful, knowledgeable, and positive. LASIK surgery was painless and took less than 5 minutes for both eyes.

I had a great experience at Wang Vision! Thank you so much for everything.

Dr. Ming Wang and his staff were unbelievable! Everyone was so nice and everything went so smooth. I would definitely recommend LASIK to anyone thinking about it, go see Dr. Wang! Thank you for a great experience.

I had the privilege to have Dr. Ming Wang evaluate my eye situation. He made a recommendation to do the 3D Laser Kamra surgery on my left eye to help with my near vision. I decided to have that done, so I don’t need to rely on reading glasses. Dr. Wang performed the operation and was very professional and informative. I am very pleased with the whole experience and would definitely recommend anyone to have Dr. Wang take care of you!

Dr. Wang was amazing. I attended a seminar and it really pushed me to have the 3D Lasik surgery done. I never thought I could afford it, but received a 50% off coupon for bringing two friends to the seminar with me. They give away several grand prize drawings for 50% off at the seminar. The procedure was basically painless. It took a couple of minutes and you’re done. You notice results the same day. The evening after the surgery, Dr. Wang called personally to check on me! I would recommend Dr. Wang to anyone who has ever considered LASIK!

Wow! I can see without my glasses! I can’t believe how simple Dr. Wang makes the whole process. I am grateful beyond words for his talent and care as my doctor. I will be recommending him to all my friends and family. I have no words for the excitement I feel at the moment. Starting with—I can actually see what I am writing! Thank you Dr. Wang! You’re amazing!