From my first appointment of consultation to the day of surgery to my re-check as a business owner I am impressed by what a great experience it was. Every staff member I encountered was professional, friendly, and constantly checking on me. Dr. Wang’s mannerisms and constant concern for my care and perfect surgery was most impressive. His team and himself is obviously the reason for his success!

I was told by my eye doctor that because I had previously had RK surgery when I was 21, that I was not a good candidate for LASIK surgery at all. I saw a posting for Dr. Wang offering free consultation and 25% off LASIK procedure. I decided that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I am very happy to say that on 1-8-16 I met Dr. Wang and his wonderful staff I was told that even though after RK, LASIK was difficult they thought they could help me. Today, 1-9-16 I can say ecstatically that I am reading and writing this without the help of any type of glasses or contacts. Thank you Dr. Wang and staff for this wonderful experience and for giving me several more glass-free years. Highly recommend anyone on the fence about doing this to talk to Dr. Wang and staff and then make an informed decision.

I’ve been in glasses since kindergarten and I’m 24 years old. I came across an advertisement for Dr. Wang’s vision seminar in Dickson, TN a few weeks ago. I decided to attend and bring two friends to receive a free $200 value 3D LASIK exam and 25% off a LASIK procedure. Before this, I have seen three other LASIK surgeons in North Carolina and with the military. All three times, I was told, “We’re sorry to inform you that you are not a good candidate for any laser corrective surgery due to your +4 diopter (high astigmatism).” I lost all hope of having good vision. I heard that Dr. Wang performed miracles when it came to people’s vision. When I showed up for my exam, I expected the same news as I received before. After the exam, the doctor said, “I hate to be the carrier of bad news…” and I knew in my head what was coming next. But I was wrong…. “I hate to be the carrier of bad news, but we’re going to have to put you in glasses for a week before we can operate. You seem to be a good candidate for Dr. Wang’s surgery.” I was thrilled! Before my operation, I had 20/400 vision uncorrected, which is about legally blind. After my next day post-op exam, my vision is recorded as 20/15. That’s better than 20/20. I’m extremely excited to be out of contacts and glasses and am so happy to see again. The procedure itself was completely painless and lasted only about 10-12 minutes from start to finish. Dr. Wang prayed with me before the operation for all to go well, and it did. Dr. Wang performed an operation that three other eye surgeons wouldn’t attempt (including a surgeon that the US Government trusts for the eyes of its service members) and he did it confidently and successfully. I feel that together, with God, he performed a miracle.

My vision was getting worse; I couldn’t read well without a magnifying glass and only with the best correct light. With 3D Laser Cataract Surgery I’m already seeing better out of my right eye and look forward to having vastly improved vision out of both eyes. We appreciate Dr. Wang’s skill, knowledge, and helpfulness and kindness in this whole process.

For years my high astigmatism has caused me to live my life behind glasses. I researched and found Dr. Wang would be the only change I had to possible fix this problem. I had expectations, but Dr. Wang and his staff exceeded mine. I woke up the morning after the surgery being able to see…far and close without my glasses. I know my vision will only improve from here on out as my eyes continue to heal. Again, this was a very positive experience and I admit I was nervous due to my high astigmatism that most doctors could not or would not treat. I had my consultation and surgery all in the same day and I couldn’t be happier.

I appreciated the individualized care that the Wang Institute provided. Dr. Wang was very calm and thorough through the pre-and post- procedure care. He made me feel comfortable during the surgery and even said a prayer before the operation. He has a great staff—I highly recommend Dr. Wang!

I have never been to an office with such a caring staff. The Wang Vision Institute is a top notch facility. I felt very well taken care of through my whole experience. I wanted the best for my LASIK procedure and I got it. Professionally Dr. Wang is an amazing surgeon. He performs all the procedures himself and is very involved. From consultation to your aftercare visits. He personally called me at home after my surgery to check on me. I am still in awe of the level of care I received, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. He has changed my life forever. I will extremely be grateful. It is evident that Dr. Wang gets pure joy from his work.

I am so glad that I chose Dr. Ming Wang to do my cataract surgery. Everything went perfect. He is a great doctor who cares deeply about his patients’ good health. His staff were very kind and courteous. Just wonderful people. I recommend Dr. Ming Wang very highly.

The entire experience was very thorough. I was helped by many different members of the WVI team. Each one was extremely friendly and made sure I knew exactly what was happening at each stage of the process. Truly a life changing decision. I would highly recommend WVI to anyone seeking better vision and overall eye health.

I am a veteran of Wang Vision Institute. I have now officially done both eyes (separately, because I am a skeptical person). I have selected for reading purposes to have both eyes for close up. It is amazing. 3D almost…I can still see far away but my close up vision is way beyond what I expected—and the care and followup calls from Dr. Wang (himself) shows his love for his patients.