Dr. Wang,

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the superb care you and Wang Vision Institute have provided me over the past 15 years.  When we first met in 2000, I was aware that I had corneal dystrophies in both eyes and that it was a genetic abnormality that ultimately would cause loss of vision. I also had 20/800 myopia and had worn glasses since I was 7 years old.  Finding out that you were on the team at Harvard that discovered the gene that caused my condition and that, through the use of the laser, you could eliminate my dystrophies and correct my vision gave me hope I had not dreamed of.

As an engineer, I depend on the quality of my eyesight to make a living. Because of the gift of restored sight through your PRK and PTK procedures, I have not had to wear glasses and have been free of residual effects from the dystrophies.  As you know, I have also developed cataracts as I have aged and I am so pleased to let you and your team know that the lenses you gave me through your 3D laser cataract procedures have again restored the clarity of my vision.  My need for glasses of any kind has been eliminated and I cannot tell you what a difference that makes in my daily life.

Your skills as a doctor, your expertise in laser physics and your compassionate care and friendship over the years have profoundly changed my life.  I cannot imagine how things would have turned out had God’s hand not directed me to you and the resources of the Institute.  I have always and will continue to recommend you and your team to everyone I meet that has eye issues.

Thank you for all you have done to help restore my eyesight over the years.  May God bless your wonderful work as you continue to provide the gift of sight to all you touch.

With deepest respect,

Terri Oquin

The staff at Wang Vision are awesome!  I am very myopic, with a history of retinal detachment.  Dr. Wang advised that the surgery would be difficult due to this.  Dr. Wang is excellent and a gifted physician but more importantly, a man of faith.  The surgery was a success!! God is good!  I highly recommend Wang Vision! 

My entire experience was wonderful starting with the moment I walked in the Wang Vision Institute.  The staff and everyone involved are extremely professional yet makes you feel very comfortable.  The surgery experience was the same including the staff and Dr. Wang.  It was a very peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.  The best part was when Dr. Wang prayed for me just before surgery!

When I realized I had eye issues, I only wanted to see Dr. Wang.  I heard so much about him and was not disappointed.  I recently completed chemo so my eye issues progressed significantly.  He was so informative, guided me through the complete process and made me feel like the only patient.  He prayed with me and called me after both procedures and truly made me feel he cares.  His entire staff is amazing!  The procedure was quick and recovery is a breeze!  I’m so thankful I came to Dr. Wang for my cataract and astigmatism surgery.  I can see 20/20 again!  

My experience with Dr. Wang was one of learning.  I learned about him, his life, and a vision of the future.  His life was full of change, but change for the better.  It brought to me a knowledge of myself in a way.  The fear I had at first was almost overwhelming.  He made the adventure so much easier.  I learned about my condition, and he made me understand what he had to do to correct it.  That may sound simple but it wasn’t.  He is a gentle and kind man and I am better for knowing him.  Thank you Dr. Wang.  

I am currently 33 years old.  For most of my life, I have been very myopic.  As a kid, I would go to the eye doctor and it seemed that every time I went, that my power was increasing.  I kept becoming more and more myopic, things kept getting smaller and smaller and further away in my vision when wearing contacts or glasses.  I looked into Lasik but was told that it would only get me half way.  I was around 16.0 so Lasik would get me to around 8.0, which would be a great improvement for sure but not a great result.  I had been told that if I could ever have cataract surgery, that a whole new world would be opened up to me.  This sounded very promising.  About 2.5 years ago I suffered a detached retina, which was basically repaired.  As a result of this surgery, I later developed a cataract which Dr. Wang from Wang Vision surgically corrected by removing my cataracts.  Indeed a whole new world was opened up to me.  I can now see much better.  Images were opened up to me and are now larger and closer.  A significant vision improvement thanks to Dr. Wang and his staff! God is good!

Thank you Dr. Wang!  My girlfriend and I both had Lasik on the same day within minutes of each other.  We were surprised it was so quick and at the improvement as soon as we opened our eyes.  Thank you for the gift of 20/20 vision we never thought we would have again!  And the staff were all so friendly and very helpful!  Thank you, all of you!

Thank you Dr. Wang!  I had no idea my eyesight could be this clear and without the need for glasses or contacts!  The procedure itself was so fast and painless.  I was so worried because this was my first surgery. But you made it very quick and painless!  Thank you so much! The staff was so friendly and helped us a lot! Thank you again to all of you!

To Whom it may concern: 

Although this was my only experience with Lasik surgery and Dr. Wang’s office, the results have been excellent!  The procedure was painless and very fast.  I went from not being able to clearly read a label on anything to clearly reading the directions on the prescription drops the next day.  Anyone who passes on an opportunity to improve their vision in a drastic way is making a mistake.  Thank you Dr. Wang!  I appreciate and respect what you have achieved and what you have done for me!

After 20 + years of wearing contacts and eye glasses, I am now able to see perfectly with Dr. Wang’s 3D Lasik procedure.  His staff was very kind and courteous and made me feel very comfortable during the entire visit.  Thank you Dr. Wang for your outspoken stand on your Christian Faith and giving God the glory in all you do.