It gives me great interest and enthusiasm to express the service I have received at Wang Vision.  From the initial visit to the actual surgery to the final post op visit, Dr. Wang and his staff left an impressionable and impeccable mark on me that will never be forgotten.  I am truly blessed and honored to have Lasik at Wang Vision.  God Bless you Dr. Wang and your staff as your business continues to flourish. 

Wang Vision Institute has been an overall great experience.  I have never in my lifetime of going to a doctor’s office, been so excited about the future outcome.  Dr. Wang is very smart and God fearing that it flows through the whole office, from staff members to patients as well.  The day of the procedure I was so nervous, I couldn’t stop moving.  Then once my name was called and Dr. Wang was ready, he leaned down by my ear and said a quick but POWERFUL prayer for a successful surgery! That put my mind at ease!

I had a wonderful experience here at the Wang Vision Institute.  My 3D Lasik surgery was a success!  As soon as my procedure was over, I could see.  My vision was a little blurry but much better than it was before the surgery.  The staff here were wonderful, especially Anle.  She made me feel welcome and she was very professional.  Thank you Dr. Wang!  

I have been wearing glasses/contacts since I was six years old.  My vision was so bad.  It wasn’t measureable on a chart.  I decided to visit Dr. Wang and see what he could do for me by attending one of his seminars.  I came away very impressed with him as both a professional and a caring human being and scheduled an appointment.  I was concerned about whether the 3D Lasik surgery would even be worth it because my eyesight was so bad.  Within a few hours after returning home, I was already able to read the guide on TV and started going room to room all over the house to simply look at things.  The surgery went far better than I could have hoped and I would not hesitate recommending Dr. Wang to anyone.  He is a truly great doctor and a good man with a good heart! 

Thank you Dr. Ming Wang!  My experience at Wang Vision Cataract and Lasik Center was wonderful.  Because of your brilliant and successful skills I am not able to see perfectly without glasses/contacts.  Thank you again for what you do.  You are changing people’s lives and you have changed mine.  God Bless you! 

As a glasses/contact wearer for 25 years, this was a life changing experience! The procedure was painless and quick.  Dr. Wang and his staff was totally professional and truly caring.  Every aspect of this process was painless and efficient.  I would highly recommend Dr. Wang and his staff to anyone who is considering a Lasik procedure.  Thank you Dr. Wang and staff!

As I walked into the office, I saw nothing but smiling, cheerful staff members everywhere!  Each step of the process, I was informed and comforted by the staff.  Every time I saw a person, I was greeted professionally and with a smile.  Also, during the procedure, Dr. Wang and his staff gave constant encouragement and status reports so that I knew exactly what was happening literally every few seconds!  If I ever need an adjustment in the future, I’ll have no apprehension whatsoever for the procedure.  I have been blessed with perfect vision and I will not take it for granted! Thanks everyone at Wang Vision Institute.

Coming from out of state, the technology isn’t as advanced as here at WVI.  My eyes were getting worse and worse but the solutions that were available were very uncomfortable.  Finally we took the search on our own and typed in my disease in google.  The first thing we found was Wang Vision Institute.  We were able to set up an appointment and they worked with me to be able to accommodate my needs.  Since I walked in the door, I’ve felt nothing but welcome and assurance that they would be able to help me.  Now I’m on the road to better vision and a better life.  Thank you!

I attended Dr. Wang’s seminar to learn more about Lasik because that was a big step for me and I needed the research.  Listening to Dr. Wang discuss all of the things he has done, I immediately knew I was in the right spot.  I felt at home in Dr. Wang’s office.  The day of the evaluation, I was nervous but when I arrived the staff took really good care of me.  They are incredibly friendly and helpful.  I got to meet Dr. Wang and I would like to say that this man is incredible and very talented! I was calmed as soon as he began to pray with me before surgery.  I believe that God sent me to his seminar and lead Dr. Wang in my life.  And I think God and Dr. Wang for restoring vision in my eye again!

From my first email to Dr. Wang; he responded quickly.  And the shocking thing was it was late at night.  This really shows how much he cares about what he does.  He let me setup quickly with his patient coordinator and the next couple of weeks, I was here.  Upon entering the building, ALL the staff was very attentive and professional.  They made me feel right at home.  Getting to meet Dr. Wang made me feel assured that he could fix my vision.  Two days later, I returned and had the procedure done and have had great results.  He even personally called later that evening to check on me.  Top notch doctor and great experience.  Definitely recommend to others! Thank you Dr. Wang!