

Coming to theatres on 24 May 2024 is Sight, an inspiring new movie about a renowned eye surgeon named Dr. Ming Wang who is determined to give sight to an orphan named Kajal who was blinded by her stepmother.

Terry Chen (Memory) stars as Wang and he is joined in the cast by:

  • Greg Kinnear (The Kennedys) as Dr. Misha Bartnovsky
  • Ben Wang (American Born Chinese) as the younger Ming
  • Fionnula Flanagan (Bodkin) as a nun named Sister Marie
  • Mia SwamiNathan as Kajal

The director of the movie is Andrew Hyatt (All Those Small Things). 

Early reviews suggest the movie is warm and emotionally satisfying so Sight might be your go-to flick if you want to see something that raises your spirits and restores your faith in people and prayer. 

But is Sight based on a true story? Here’s what we know:

Is Sight based on a true story?

Yes, Sight is based on a true story. 


According to Sight’s official website, the movie “follows the true story of Dr. Ming Wang, a Chinese immigrant who defies all odds to become a world-renowned eye surgeon. Drawing upon the grit and determination he gained from a turbulent uprising in his upbringing, Dr. Wang sets out to restore the sight of a blind orphan.”

Writer/director Andrew Hyatt says of the film:

“I am humbled and thrilled to be a part of bringing Dr. Wang’s incredible true-life story to the screen. The universal themes of hope and endurance will undoubtedly resonate with audiences around the world. My grandmother grew up in Shanghai and to be able to honor her in some way by telling a story that echoes her own experience is a very special opportunity.” (source)

Who is Dr. Ming Wang?

Dr. Ming Wang is a world-renowned laser eye surgeon and philanthropist. 


Born in China in the 1970s, he faced persecution and despair during the time of China’s Cultural Revolution, but through the support of his family and his own determination, he escaped to America with only $50 and a Chinese-English dictionary in his pocket. (source)

Despite the odds stacked against him, he got into Harvard Medical School, earning a PhD in laser physics. He also helped invent an innovative technology that has helped to restore sight to many. 

Dr. Wang was named the Kiwanis Nashvillian of the Year in 2015 for his lifelong dedication to helping blind orphaned children from around the world. 

Refreshingly, Wang is motivated by his faith and desire to help people, rather than wanting any monetary gain. As stated here, “TheWang Foundation for Sight Restoration has helped patients from over 40 states in the U.S. and 55 countries, with all sight restoration surgeries performed free of charge.”

When speaking about his work and his Christian faith to The Christian Post, Wang said:

“The biggest impact of being a Christian over the last many decades is it makes me humble, recognizing that we, as human beings, are ultimately limited. We have to be willing to ask God for help.

Second, you must recognize that science and faith work together. Science gives us the tools, you’ve got to have the real skill to be the top in your field, but at the same time, faith gives me a higher purpose. In my case, in all these studies, the skills I learned during medical training, God is calling me to help those who need the most help, which are blind, orphaned children.”

You can learn more about Dr. Ming Wang through the new film and his book ‘From Darkness to Sight.’