I had been wearing contacts/glasses for 33 years, and at 45 years old I started wearing/needing readers. After completing a thorough check into LASIK in the Nashville are…I selected WVI. I couldn’t be more excited to wake up the morning after surgery and having 20/20 vision again! “Seeing is Believing” and thank you to Dr. Wang and his staff! I strongly encourage anyone seeking LASIK to go to WVI.

I have worn glasses since the age of five years old. As I got older, my eyesight begin to worsen over the years. My glasses gradually became thicker and thicker with each year’s exam. My first years of college, I convinced my mom to allow me the opportunity to wear contacts. That began the best days of my life or so I thought. As I matured in age, I started having problems with the contacts. I finally said enough is enough. I attended a seminar and made up my mind after Dr. Wang said he prayed for each patient. I made up my mind and I am grateful that I made the choice. Thanks Dr. Wang for the experience! Thank God for you!

Wang Vision Institute has taken such good care of me. I say good but it is actually great care. Everyone is so professional and caring. From the time I entered til even after leaving they have been interested in my well being. I am truly amazed and satisfied with their service. Thank you Dr. Wang and God speed!

Dr Wang and his staff are amazing! Everyone is very professional and caring. I would highly recommend Dr. Wang for any eye-care needs.

I had an extremely critical cataract resulting in almost complete loss of vision. Dr. Wang and his staff brought me into his care and Dr. Wang immediately performed a successful surgery restoring my vision. The care has been exceptional and I am so thankful that Dr. Wang has been blessed with healing those in need.

My initial experience with Dr. Wang was supporting a friend, Thom Bresh, in a miracle procedure. Thom had been diagnosed with inoperable cataracts and faced certain permanent blindness. Dr. Wang corrected the problems and Thom has gone on to a continued and successful music career. When my eyes were in need of cataract removal, Dr. Wang was my choice. Within 24 hours of surgery my vision was better than before and still improving! His 3D astigmatism treatment has proven true in my visual world! Thank you Dr. Wang, you have no equal!

Dr. Wang,
What a blessing you are! Thanks to you and your staff for the great care of my eyes! Everyone is caring and considerate and compassionate. I will refer everyone I know. God bless.

Thank you for not only correcting my vision but for your kindness and generosity as well. I will be sure to keep you in my prayers thanking God for your abilities and the good you do indiscriminately for others.

The professionals at Dr. Ming Wang’s are all so very nice and efficient. Most amazing to me is the lack of too much wait time. The cataract surgery performed by Dr. Wang is easy, painless and relatively comfortable afterwards. Dr. Wang is a very competent and especially compassionate and kind and wonderful surgeon and person. I appreciate this experience and look forward to having my right eye done very soon. 

I am so happy to have my vision back! I chose Dr. Wang as my doctor because I had never heard one negative thing about him and his work. I am so grateful to have had this excellent experience. I admire Dr. Wang and how he has overcome adversities in his life. He is truly an inspiration! Dr. Wang is a kind and compassionate human being, and I will always remember him with kind thoughts. I will never forget how he has helped me.