I am a forensic electrical engineer. I investigate the origin and cause of fires and equipment malfunctions all over the US. This type of work includes a lot of research into how things are put together and how they fail. When choosing a surgeon for my recent cataract surgery I did my usual forensic type of research. First, I researched the available types of lenses. I studied monofocal and multifocal lenses. I chose multifocal to help eliminate the need for glasses altogether. Since multifocal lenses required a higher level of surgical expertise than standard monofocal lenses, I researched surgeons and looked for the most highly skilled. The research revealed Dr. Wang was the best. In addition, I researched the equipment and surgical techniques that would provide the best outcome. Dr. Wang uses a dozen or so test instruments and writes books on their operation. This far exceeded any other doctor in my research. Dr. Wang also uses a laser inside the eye, not just on the surface. This greatly increases the accuracy of the incisions and placement of the multifocal lens. All in all, I only had one choice and that was Dr. Ming Wang.