Psalms 146:8 “The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind:” and in my case, He used Dr. Ming Wang to do it! My vision was considered “legally blind” before I had 3D LASIK surgery performed on March 25, 2016. Now? Today, Friday, March 26th 2016 my vision is 20/15 in both eyes! Thank you Lord for giving Dr. Wang the skill and wisdom to open the eyes of the blind, through your guidance. I also wanted to share how much I am enjoying the book, “The Darkness to Sight.” I am reading it out loud to my family. Every child in America should be made to read this book! Our youth are destroying incredible opportunities for their future because they do not understand the cost of freedom or how blessed we are in America. This book gives incredible insight into starting from practically nothing ($50 and knowing no one when he arrived here!) to becoming the most successful eye surgeon in the world! Dr. Wang is a very humble man and this book will give you a new appreciation for being born into the “Land of opportunity.” Thank you again, Dr. Wang!