The procedures were a lot less painful than I expected the actual time for the surgery was less than 15 minutes. When I was brought back to the surgical room they had me lay on a bed with my head towards the Laser machine that would eventually correct my vision. The attendant put some drops in my eyes to clean and numb them. A few minutes later Dr. Wang talked me through the entire procedure and let me know what was happening at every step of the process. Again some solutions were put into the eye, then the procedure started. He propped my eye open with a medical device. He explained I would feel some pressure. After that, the Lasik machine took over. I was informed to watch the red dot and continue to do so. 15-20 minutes later the flap was made (which I did not feel any cutting). I was then moved over to another machine that used the laser to correct my vision. He then pushed more solution into the eye which felt relieving and pulled the flap back over, smoothed it, more solution, and then the procedure was done. If I would have known it was this easy, I would have done it much sooner! I am very sensitive about my eyes and would never wear contacts because I didn’t like things touching my eyes. But, this was a piece of cake and very quick and thorough. The next day, my vision was checked again at 20/15! I would recommend this 3D Lasik by Dr. Wang to anyone that is tired of wearing glasses and contacts and that have any reservations about having this done in the near future! Thank you, Dr. Wang!