Being a creature that researches any invasive or non-invasive procedure, months of reading went into my quest for the best eye surgeon. Dr. Wang was the best candidate on my quest to restore my eyes. My natural assumption when someone claims to be the best is I require proof. It is hard to gather direct proof, but circumstantially, all the articles, reviews, and comparisons resulted in enough proof that he was, in fact, the best. I was very nervous, scared, and excited. The day of the surgery nervousness over rode my excitement. The staff eased my fears. The procedure is one I would recommend to anyone. More importantly, Dr. Wang’s personable and genuine caring manners sold me on the fact that he is a doctor who not only is extremely sincere in his patient’s outcome, but his intelligence in providing the best in this field is the best. For anyone frightened about Lasik, Dr. Wang is the doctor to see. Extremely patient staff and an advanced technological environment paves the way for an outstanding experience.