Everyone in Nashville has heard of Dr. Ming Wang. Everyone knows he has pioneered this LASIK eye surgery thing. Again I was sure the expert was going to tell me that there was no hope for my vision.

God is so good. My mother has told me for months that I needed to see this movie, “God’s Not Dead.” We talked by phone the night before I came to the Wang Vision Institute about the movie, and she said she bought a copy of it and promised we’d watch it Saturday…the day after my appointment with Dr. Wang.

So, I’ve been through all the tests and exams, and I was in a chair, Friday around noon, sitting across from Dr. Wang. He tells me what I already know, “Your eyes are bad, but we can help…”To my surprise, I am a candidate. He didn’t tell me I would have perfect vision with a 100% guarantee, but he did tell me I would be better and it would be worth having it done.

I was so nervous, scared, and worried. I prayed alone after he left. I prayed for wisdom and the right decision. I called my wife. I needed more information, I needed more time. I prayed for God to send me a sign!

I opened my information folder to read some more about the procedure. In the packet, I found something amazing. There in the packet was a photocopied paper about Dr. Ming Wang and his involvement in the movie “God’s Not Dead”…WHAT??! The movie my mother had been witnessing to me about for months, and he has a character inspired role?? The movie that I’m going to see with my mother the next day???

This was a no-brainer! He’s the best at his craft. He is a God fearing man, who has used his gifts to serve mankind. Money is money and nothing is worth my sight. He prayed with me right before the procedure.

I’m writing this the next day, after my surgery, with 20/20 vision! I know how the Leper felt when he came back to Jesus to thank him. I can’t thank Dr. Ming Wang enough. I am leaving his office with perfect vision to SEE a movie with my mother, and my wife and kids. Thank you so much for renewing my sight, Dr. Wang!