(daughter, Lauren Millsopp)

 Lauren was four years old when she first got her glasses. She cried all the way home from the optometrist’s office. When I finally convinced her to put her glasses on, she was amazed to be able to see little things, such as knobs on the dresser drawers, even the straight lines on buildings. Lauren was always self conscious about her glasses, and I promised her that on her 18th birthday, we would be sitting in a doctor’s office having LASIK. Out of desperation in her 16th year, I called Dr. Wang’s office. She was a little short of the 18 year cut off, but Dr. Wang agreed to evaluate her.

 She had her surgery yesterday, three weeks shy of her 17th birthday. Today, her vision is BETTER than 20/20! I feel like today is her birthday, and the first day of the rest of her life, for today she throws away the glasses and sees the beautiful girl I have seen for the past 16 years and 11 months. Thank you, Dr. Wang!