I have been blind in my left eye my whole life and have saw many doctors who have never been any help to me.  I found Dr. Wang and his staff and after testing, they told me they could fix my vision!  I was and still am overwhelmed with finally being able to see again.  Before I had my surgery I had 20/300 in my left eye and 20/60 in my right.  My follow up the day after surgery I tested 20/60 inn my left eye and 20/40 in my right.  What a miracle this could be for me to be able to see correctly for the first time in my life.  I would not trust my vision to just any doctor and did lots of research on Dr. Wang and he is the best!  I am overwhelmed to have such a Christian Doctor to help any and all who come to him.  He is not about what he can make off of you but is truly about you and your vision.  He even personally called me at 9:15pm the night after surgery to check on me. Thanks Dr. Wang!