My name is Bart Suggs and I found out I had kerataconus at 16 years old.  I am now 38.  I had a cornea transplant at 32 years old and I have spent the last 10 years trying to get special fitted contact lenses so that I could see out of my right eye.  No contact lens that I was prescribed worked.  In April 2015 I made an appointment with Dr. Wang with high hopes of restoring some of my vision.  Anything would be an improvement because I was seeing 20/400.  Dr. Wang performed 3D Laser Lens exchange on Thursday May 7th 2015 and immediately after surgery there was an improvement.  I could read the coke can that nurse Debra gave me after surgery.  Praise God!  Now Dr. Wang says I will be able to wear a normal soft contact lens.  Thank you Dr. Wang!