I was not considering having 3D Lasik performed until my sister did.  Her surgery went well and she has 20/20 vision.  After wearing glasses since the 3rd grade, I was ready for the procedure.  I would not have gone anywhere else.  Even my parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins have come to Dr. Wang.  He performs the only 3D Lasik procedure that is bladeless in TN.  My surgery was in a matter of minutes.  I could even see right after surgery, but it is important to keep the eyes closed for the healing process.  In 24 hours I went from relying on glasses and contacts constantly to seeing 20/20 without any corrective lenses.  Dr. Wang is a talented and gifted man.  He is also a Godly man and is doing wonderful and miraculous things in the medical community and right here in Nashville!