Dangers of contacts!  Meeting Dr. Ming Wang has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life!  I originally chose my ophthalmologist because he was a retired military doctor with great credentials and experience.  In March 2015, I started having some blurred vision with no pain or symptoms.  My doctor had never seen my problem.  I had to discontinue contact use.  I’m a very active person and this was devastating to a person that rides horses, motorcycles, water sports, still pitching for a women’s softball team after 35 years, and much more!  I lost it all!  My vision was 20/50 with my glasses.  After a series of treatments my doctor was still unable to diagnose my problem and referred me to a corneal specialist.  I was terrified when he told me contacts created my problem.  Contacts had damaged my cornea.  I never abused contacts, wore the best, took them out every night, and replaced within 30 days even though they are 30 day extended wear!  I found out it could be permanent.  I have never been advised by my doctors this was a danger.  Now I was unable to drive or work for ten days, then limited for almost two more months.  After a couple of days on the internet I decided to go to the best!  I decided to see. Dr. Ming Wang’s seminar!  Dr. Wang himself made the decision and did my surgery!  Worst of all of this, the loss of work, doctor expense, and two pair of glasses, would have almost paid for the surgery!  It was worth it!  I can see again!  Thanks to Dr. Wang!