After turning 40 I could see a difference in my vision. I got where everytime I would look at something I would have to find a pair of eyeglasses that I had bought at the dollar store to see. I was getting very upset with my vision. I talked to my personal eye doctor, he told me they didn’t have a surgery for my condition. I was looking on facebook one day and I saw Wang Vision Institute advertise they were going to have a seminar in Fayetteville, TN. I entered my name to go. I was very pleased with the seminar. I made an appointment for Dr. Wang to check my eyes. His seminar was about a new machine that has come out for people who couldn’t see close up. Dr. Wang said I was a candidate for the 3D LASIK surgery November 6, 2015, I had my LASIK surgery, the next morning I was looking at my cellphone, receipts, books, and I didn’t have to put glasses on. I was so excited. I’m not writing this just to help promote Dr. Wang, I know that goes through some people’s mind. But this is a great surgery, anybody that can’t see close up needs to check into this. I’ve talked to other people here at the clinic who had it done and they were very pleased. Thanks again Dr. Wang for giving me my eyesight wonderful again. I feel like a new person.