For as long as I can remember, I have had poor vision. I remember getting thick, bulky glasses in first grade and almost never wearing them because they were ugly and uncomfortable. I squinted and strained to see the chalkboard, and always asked to sit in front row at school. Classmates accused me of kissing up to the teacher for always sitting up front, but the reality was that I just couldn’t see well enough to learn anything if I sat anywhere else. At 13 years old, a kind doctor provided me with contact lenses free of charge if I would assist him with public health screenings. I wore contact lenses for 24 years, and they changed my life. Without them, everything was blurry that I could only see colors and fuzzy shapes. Anything more than a few feet away just looked like a blob. I was unable to distinguish anyone’s facial features, and I felt very vulnerable if I had to remove my contacts for any reason. I once had an allergic reaction to a cat that was so bad that my eyes were nearly swollen shut. I couldn’t wear my contacts, even after the swelling subsided, for a full week and I had to miss work because I couldn’t read the computer screen or key board just a foot or two away. My vision became clear at about 2 inches from my eyes. I saw an ad on facebook for a seminar with Dr. Wang in my city and decided to attend. When I met Dr. Wang, and talked with him, and heard his incredible story, I felt a sense of peace that I had found the right doctor to help me. After evaluating my eyes, Dr. Wang informed that because my prescription was so strong, the best we could hope for was a reduction in my dependency on contacts or glasses. I decided to do the surgery anyway because I hated how helpless I felt when I was left to the vision I had naturally. I decided that an improvement was better than perfection. When I got up the next morning, the day after my surgery, I noticed that I could see as good as I could see with my contacts! I went to see Dr. Wang for my follow-up visit and, miraculously, I can now see with 20/15 vision, without glasses or contacts! Words cannot describe what an amazing experience this is for me. I am humbled and thankful beyond measure for Dr. Wang, and the miracle of good vision that God has granted me through his highly skilled hands. It’s Amazing! If you are considering eye surgery, you will not find a better eye surgeon than Dr. Wang. In spite of his many skills and accolades, Dr. Wang remains one of the most humble, kind-hearted people I have ever met. God truly works miracles through this man, and it is an honor to be his patient. Thank you Dr. Wang!!!