
Hello everyone, my name is Michael Owen. I am a healthy 40 year old man that lives in Tennessee. My entire life I have struggled with eyesight problems due to a very high astigmatism in both eyes. And, for years I have wanted to have LASIK surgery. So, when I turned 40 I decided to do some research and find out if I could be a candidate for LASIK. After visiting two LASIK centers in Nashville, TN, and after asking question after question to two doctors they both said they could do my surgery, but felt that if complications occurred they would send me to Dr. Wang. So I decided to go directly to Dr. Wang. After going to a Wang Vision seminar I had made my choice. The next day I was in his office and had LASIK 3D Surgery on both of my eyes with very high astigmatism. Less than 24 hours later I can see perfectly without my glasses. Dr. Ming Wang is an amazing person that God blessed us with. If you are considering having LASIK surgery, please go to one of his seminars and you will make the right choice! God bless.