I’ve been wearing glasses since I was a toddler. I’ve worn glasses and contact lenses but also has a problem getting the fit correct. Usually the best I saw was 20/40. It became something that I began to just accept and learned to adapt. For the last few years my vision slowly began to get worse. Since I was now 50 I accepted again as now part of aging process. I was very consistent with seeing my eye doctor. At one of my last visits my doctor casually said I had cataracts but I was only in my early 50’s! He never mentioned surgery! I was slowly getting cloudy and light sensitivity so I began to do my own research. I’d heard Dr. Wang speak and decided to see him for a consultation and I was told I was a candidate for corrective surgery! Before I committed to the surgery, I wanted my husband to learn more about the surgery. So we attended a Dr. Wang seminar. Not only was my husband impressed with Dr. Wang’s medical expertise, but also his character! I’ve had one eye done just yesterday and I’m already seeing 20/25! Amazing! I’m scheduled for the other eye tomorrow. What an amazing blessing. i’m on the road to seeing better than I ever had. I’ve always was told how extreme m astigmatism was but now I can see! Thank you Dr. Wang for being such a giving caring man and sharing your talents with so many.