Being far-sighted, I have enjoyed excellent vision my whole life. A few years ago, I starting losing accommodation for reading, so I used reading glasses. This year, at age 50, I now need help with reading and intermediate, therefore glasses for full time use indoors were prescribed. After wearing them for a few years I realized I needed a different option. I could not get used to wearing them, I was always uncomfortable. I came to Dr. Wang because with his latest advances, he is able to correct my intermediate vision with TN’s only 3D LASIK procedure in the first step. Then in a month’s time he will correct the close-up with a new procedure, 3D Laser Kamra. I am so excited! After the first procedure, I can already read very well in the intermediate range. It will only get better from here!! Soon I will have my close up capabilities back, yay! And they made it convenient for me since we travelled from out of town, 5 and a half hours away. I was scheduled on Friday morning for the exams, then Friday afternoon for the surgery. Then the follow up exam was the next morning. So we were able to take a long weekend and get everything accomplished. I highly recommend Dr. Ming Wang, and his staff! I am so thankful to be able to not need glasses, not even for reading!!