When I first came to Dr. Wang I was nervous, not about the procedure, but about whether or not I would qualify. A few years ago I had accompanied my friend to Dr. Wang’s office for his procedure, and I was truly impressed by the quality of care offered by the WVI. In terms of office-care, all of the staff were extremely helpful and took the time to answer all of our questions. They didn’t just throw paper-work or medical jargon at us and then walk out the door, as is often the case at doctor’s offices, but they took the time to hear our concerns and then addressed them thoroughly.

I know most people are probably nervous about the procedure but (and I can’t stress this enough)-don’t be! Not only is Dr. Wang widely respected within his field, and certainly well-qualified, but he really does take the time to work with each patient to achieve the best possible outcome for each person.

I mentioned earlier that I was more concerned about whether or not I would qualify. I have horrible eyesight in addition to a high astigmatism and had suffered with this for years. When LASIK was first started I was told that I would not qualify for any of the procedures. I am extremely fortunate the Dr. Wang happens to specialize in the area of astigmatism, and I can’t thank him enough for the fact that three days after my procedure I was back at work, and when I returned to the WVI for my follow-up appointment I had near perfect vision.

Years of having glasses has conditioned me to reach for my nightstand every morning when I wake up. Every morning, though, I open my eyes and realize I can actually read my alarm clock, no glasses necessary, and every morning I am reminded of how grateful I am to have gone to WVI. Thank you Dr. Wang. I know how cheesy it sounds, but you really have changed my life and I am eternally grateful for your work.

-Kate Turner