“I have also had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Wang speak several times to Liberty groups in Tennessee. When you understand that he was a victim of Mao's policies and how hard he fought to get into college rather than be consigned to a labor farm, you would appreciate his drive for achievement and excellence. When you hear him describe how he came to America with $50, a Chinese-American dictionary, and one contact here, it will make his accomplishments seem all the more extraordinary.  When you know about the inventions and processes he has created, you will recognize that he is a gifted person.  And when you hear him play the Chinese “erhu” (similar to our violin), you would also appreciate the talents and soul of an exceptional man --Someone who has the delicate skills to do eye surgery along with the artistic skills to play a fine musical instrument.  It should also be said that Dr. Wang has an annual "Eye Ball" fundraiser to help patients needing surgeries that they cannot afford while he also provides pro-bono services for many.  He loves this country because he has seen the worst of Communism and Socialism.  He has experienced first-hand and KNOWS the promise and hope of America at its finest!  He is a special, remarkable man and we are blessed that he choose to make his way to America!  Thank you Dr. Wang!”

 Thank you again for all you do!

 Ruth Fennell, SRES, SFR, GRI, TRC, CPMS, SPHR, M.A. 

Recipient, Distinguished Service Award, National Association of REALTORS® / REBAC® / SRES® Council, November, 2008

 Author, “Loving Senior Transitions: The Top Five Questions Baby Boomers Need to Ask to Help Aging Loved Ones.”



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